Dave Snell is a Grizzly. He was one of the 196 TFS's first F-4 Flight Surgeons and flew with us until the Fighters left. Dave is one of the most impressive guys we have ever met. That is no small feat when you are talking Grizzlies.

Dave has constantly looked for ways to serve his country. Following the Fighters, he migrated like Birds on TV. From the Grizzlies to the Coneheads. Now, he is in Afganistan, no Fighters, but a lot of fighting!

It is truly fitting that he is among the last of the first Grizzly Fighters still fighting.

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Subject: Update from Bagram; GroundHog Day Ver 2.0

Okay, have been here:


13 days

321 hours

19,252 Minutes

1,155,118 Seconds

Standard schedules apply; up at 0545; dress for PT, PT from 0600-0645; phone call home to say good night to the small child; SSS with hot water (yes we have latrines with running water and hot showers in a building); standard breakfast with much coffee, office/interviews/email/research/run errands/take calls from 0730-1230; standard KBR lunch then off to Army helicopter outfit to see about chopper rides, then off the C-130 USAF outfit to see about airplane rides, then phone call to AC-130 outfit (Special Ops) to see about nighttime missions; about 1600 prepare for daily web based conference with JCOA staff at Norfolk with daily sit reps, overview, etc. Dinner at 1930; back to office to pursue loose ends, maybe a BX run, hootch at 2130, lights out at 2300. Restart at 0545. Weather balmy with highs at 80-85 and much dust when the wind picks up. Bagram, we have agreed is like Chino, CA; hot during the day, surrounded by mountains (most still with snow) dusty (when the Santa Ana winds blow) and populated with people, some of whom would like to have you disappear. Only thing missing is the smell of the dairy farms. So, not much to report and you can see why the following intel from a northern sector PRT (provincial reconstruction team) was welcome. All the best to those in CONUS
